

The Zephyr flies through otherworldly peaks
Collecting hyacinths and
Grabbing life with inane, fleeting violence–

Walking the boulevards into late hours of the night,
Peering alone onto cathedral facades–
Writing delicate poetry in an afternoon

His breath wisps up into the sky
everywhere and nowhere.


There is a mountain in the Alps
I wish I could show you
Though it requires no explanation.

Today I bring you there
You reach the top
Imprinted with

The sensation of icy river water coating your cap against the sun–
The pure azure of the alpine lake
Suggesting you are an intruder
In a world silent but for cicadas–

You look down onto the valley
for a second, turnt alien:
Men scaled down to ants, lives seen as bereft–
Emptiness accumulating in the slow trudge forwards–

Do you see?
This place will never change, no matter where you fly
Its beauty requires no explanation

How long to amble these ridges
‘Till you dissolve into mountainspawn?
‘Till you can sit silent in this valley
And let the seasons wash over you?

Underneath the mountain lies the strata and
The constant, slow slew– rock, water, vapor
Become vapor, water, rock
Echoing for millennia…

In your mind’s eye,
All this scaled down to a single image–
The mountain,
Its unchanging structure peering down
At you and calling.


In eons,
The weakest of zephyrs can move a mountain of sand
The tallest mountain can fade to dust.

What are you made of?
What is the color of the wind?\

It requires no explanation.

Copyright © 2019-2025 Uzay Girit