I am become time, destroyer of worlds

Infinities away
And in between,
Space observes
The silent journey of matter.

A treasurer counting gold,
A universe counting down
The time for life
To become half-life.
Both count
Until all becomes dust.

But starspawn and
Water accrete
In a lonely galaxy –
Groans of new life.

& in one of its pockets
Where dust remains
Something to brush away

A man utters:
I am become time
destroyer of worlds

And the wave his speech weaves
Onto space and time,
For a few seconds lingering,
Sees the birth
Of a thousand new worlds:

The act of a man
Setting pen on paper &
A babe ushered from the womb &

The defiant stare of
An incandescent youth.
The boy reads:

I am become time
destroyer of worlds–

And in that sardonic breath,
Sets afire
the very idea
of dust and old age.

Copyright © 2019-2025 Uzay Girit